I hate doing things TWICE!!!
I had several scale related issues using the Revell kit as a reference. The most obvious being the tires and wheels. While some of it was certainly my own calculations, I'll lay most of the blame on the source.
I was never completely happy with the size of the tires on the dragster, but I could live with it, and never gave it much more thought after it was done. When I started on the wheels for the F/C, I built some mockups to eyeball the overall look and size, and this also allowed me to join all the major components together for the first time. Everything looked fine........kinda...
Fast forward.....cut, turn, sand...............these are looking good!!!!!
The first time I put it all together I new something wasn't right. After some pretty simple calculations, I realized they were just too small, and there wasn't much I could do about it other than make another set.....damn...
I also started doing some more research on this era F/C, and found out they were still a year or so away from running a much larger tire. Seems that it was a major modification to the frame and cage to get a bigger tire in there. That didn't make me feel any better about it though.
As a side note....A good friend and fellow model builder talked me into using a different substrate called HDU. High Density Urethane Foam. I was against the idea from the very beginning.........
"I'm a woodworker for Christ sakes"
just think of the time you will save.......
" I don't care about time"
just think how light they will be......
"I don't care about weight, it don't have to fly!!"
here's a bunch of free stock, in case you change your mind......
"Hmmmm....okay, I'll try it"
Never again.....My shop looked like Daytona Beach by the time I was done turning them. When HDU is cut or sanded it's not sawdust its sand, and sand has a way of getting into everything! It also had some kind of weird reaction to the automotive primer that i used on them. It wasn't a chemical reaction, but the foam soaked in the solvents and bubbled up and did some weird stuff for quite a while.

It's not a complete loss though. I've got another project that just waiting for some oversized tires and wheels......I guess in the end I did save some time, and just think how light they'll be!!!!
neat stuff I also like working on large scale models remote control and get into .I am working on a 12 foot battleship also using trolling motors
my site freewebs.com/modelboatman2
Thanks for your comments Don. I checked out your site, and your doing some incredible work...