This is one of my current projects.....when I say current, what I really mean is......"I been working on this for 5 or 6 years and I hope to finish it before I freakin die!!!!!...In all honesty though, it hasn't taken 6 years to build it, because I tend to work on many different projects at the same time, one of them is usually on the workbench, so they all tend come along, although a little slow sometimes.
This model was scaled up from the 1/16 scale Revell kit "Jungle Jim". This was one of my favorite kits as a kid. There was a couple of reasons I picked this particular model to build. First off, I had a couple of kits already laying around, second, I honestly believe had I attempted something along the lines of say.. a 69' Camaro...I believe I would have failed!!! The Vega body is not as "swoopy" as a Camaro, and I was able to build the sides of the body flat, and then connect everything else from there. I also had a theory that if I built the chassis first, and I wasn't able to build the body, I would at the very least end up with a very cool Altered.
This thing is big man......1/3 scale, 6' long, 2 1/2' tall when its altogether. It lives in my living room and is constantly wanting some bench time! Most of the big, fun stuff is already done. There is a lot of minor problems to deal with at this point, so I can literally spend a week working on small problem areas with not much to show for it, but slowly and surely, it's coming along. I also should add that I had some problems with scale related issues with the Revell kit, but I'll leave that till I get into some of the construction aspects of this car....
Omg. So beautiful. You are crazy talented!!!! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteOmg. So beautiful. You are crazy talented!!!! Thank you for sharing!