I've been thinking about the final paint scheme for a long time.....Although I used the Jungle Jim kit as my scale reference, I'm still not sure which way I want to go with it. The Vega body style was quite popular in the early 70's and they are all very cool.
The JJ scheme has some great artwork and gold leaf lettering, and was also a rather famous car that most people recognize. I've already painted the chassis metallic blue so I'm somewhat limited to what I can do, and this would be the logical choice. I have also noticed in my reference photos that there is a lot of subtle changes in the artwork through time. Most photos show the cartoon character with what appears to be a beer mug in his hand, sometimes its mysteriously not there?......

Maybe it was an issue with sponsors.........I dunno?.......

This car is baddass, I like it a lot........I've noticed the bubbles on the front fenders of most of these cars, I plan on adding them to mine regardless of the final scheme, I could use the clearance. Since this is not an exact scale project, I'm kind of pickin' an choosin' what I like from a lot of different cars....

I don't know much about this car......but I like it.....in the end I'll probably go with a scheme people will recognize......maybe..... comments are welcome.
Mike, your craftsmanship is amazing to say the least. I am a heavy drag racing fan and a longtime model builder(albeit mine are somewhat wimpy compared to yours as I tend to stick with plastics and resins!). Anyhow you said suggestions were welcome and I noticed nobody has offered you any so far so thought I'd break the ice. As you say your blue chassis somewhat limits options but I have a couple ideas. The Jungle Jim livery would be my first choice and I can offer to you the fact that at the model contests I sometimes attend his cars are always popular fare. Many folks even put his decals onto cars which he never raced as fictitious "what-ifs". He was a VERY popular racer and a very charismatic character to boot! Your car would go over well with many if you were to choose that scheme even though I don't think a masterpiece like this needs much help to impress! Lastly if you were to go with your own scheme I can say that a yellow body on the blue chassis would be a great combo as well. Many drag and Bonneville cars over the years have run a yellow body with the "Mooneyes" logo. Look for "Moon" performance parts or "Mooneyes" race cars photos online for examples. Hope this helps and good luck. I'll be back to check on your progress. Your friend-Mark Soulsby
ReplyDeleteHey Mark, thanks for the comments. I'm also a big fan of the Mooneyes cars,and that would certainly be an option!! In the end I'm probably gonna go with the J.J scheme. Being a custom painter, it would be a great paint job to recreate....
ReplyDeleteThe progress on this car has been very slow this year, simply because most of the work to be done is paint and finish, which takes an incredible amount of time!! I'll be sure to post some more pics as it comes along....thanks Mike
to much talent for such a little brain %#@(* i wish i had vision such as yours 30 years later and you still create pieces that tops the next!!!!But damn dont your hands hurt!!and if i hit the lotto that digger is mine.keep your brushes oiled up....Jakes Rakes
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know, the beer mug was actually a quart can of Quaker State motor oil.
ReplyDeletePretty cool stuff!
thanks...somebody pointed that out to me quite a while ago..I shouldve known that, but hey, I cant remember it all......